Anthea Bouquet-Charretier

Studio portrait of Anthea Bouquet-Charretier, a lifestyle photographer

Anthea Bouquet-Charretier

Anthéa Photography | Mariage & Lifestyle

Mother, Lifestyle Photographer, Metalhead Explorer, Vanlifer

My name is Anthéa, and I have been a lifestyle photographer from the beginning. Capturing people as they are, as naturally as possible, has always been my specialty. I enjoy quirky moments and authentic life instances. Radiating mainly around the Lyon region, families have entrusted their projects to me for over 12 years. Specializing in concert reports and artist tours, I have the habit of revealing the very essence of people with backstage moments; I know how to immerse myself quickly. My style adapts to both lifestyle reports and weddings. I am fortunate to immortalize all of this all over France and even abroad.

Awards for Lifestyle Photography